Wednesday, September 26, 2012

This is Halloween!

I know it's a bit early for Halloween, but with 2 weeks away from my due date, I know I won't have any other time to decorate!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Crocheting & Protein Shakes

Friday, at my doctor's appointment I was put on moderate bed rest.  Meaning, I don't have to live in my bed but do have to have my feet up "most of the time".  Brandon has been an excellent protective father to be, looking up healthy foods online (he read that a protein shake every morning is supposed to help with pre-eclampsia) & corralling me back to bed (although I have given him quite the hard time and even nicknamed him after some of the most famous dictators our world has ever seen).  To help bid my time, I have my Netflix queue set up, a bunch of books I have been meaning to get to, scrap booking and I even taught myself to crochet yesterday.  Yup, I jumped from Mom to Grandma in a matter of days.  Yup, that's my life now, crocheting & protein shakes.  

Sunday, September 2, 2012

New Dad Training

Saturday was Brandon's Diaper Party & kick off of U of M's football season.  At least one of the two occasions had a happy ending :)  

The pics are just food because I left so it could be just the guys, only to make a brief appearance later to refill the food and collect some hugs from my favorite guys.  We had a Coney Dog & Chili Bar with Brandon's famous chili recipe, Brandon's Mom's special spinach dip and my new favorite cookies - Salted carmel, pretzel & chocolate chip (Thank you Pintrest!  Yum!)

The party was perfect with his closest friends (some of which are Dads themselves) and family (which included not only Dads but two of which were Grandads), good food and the first weekend of college football.  Unfortunately, Michigan played a terrible game... better luck next week ;)
Even Barkley got into the mood!
Thank you to everyone who made it out last night!  I know Brandon was so happy to see everyone and it really meant a lot to me that everyone is as excited about our little girl as we are.  xo, E

Saturday, September 1, 2012


Sorry for the hiatus!  As I get closer to the due date, I'm moving slower and slower.  

Last week marked 5 years of me being a non-smoker.  Brandon, working in the substance abuse field, loves to make a huge deal out of it every year because although I can't even imagine myself a smoker anymore, he believes it is very important to celebrate these milestones.  Usually we go out to a ridiculously expensive dinner but this year I asked him to make me dinner.  He made all of my favorites; caprese salad, filet mignon, crab legs and twice baked potato.  And to top it all off, he finished fixing the nursery closet!  I'm quite a lucky lady.